Pre-Order Custom Class of 2034 Shirts
This is a pre-order to secure your reservation for Class of 2034 shirts to be delivered in mid November 2020.
This class is ready to be done with Pre-K and move into the big school. These shirts will be an epic photo opportunity to show how your child grows through these next pivotal learning years. The final product will be an adult shirt, in the size you estimate they will be when they're a senior in high school.
A final proof of mock up of the shirt design will be shared with the group; this image is being used as a placeholder. Shirt color and fabric TBD.
Shirt will have "Class of 2034" and your child's name embroidered on the front. Please indicate child's name and Adult T-shirt size.
If you select porch pick up, your item pick up will be coordinated by Shannon. If you prefer that I ship directly to you, please select your preferred shipping method, and additional shipping charges will be added.
Please email me at kristen@shejendesign.com if you have questions,